HD 1080p settings for Youtube using Camtasia

Monday 11 January 2010

Many of you may know that YouTube now fully supports full high definition which is 1080p. The 1080 stands for 1,080 vertical scan lines and the p stands for progressive scan, so the HD frame resolution is 1920 x 1080. In this tutorial you will learn how to change the setting for the new Youtube 1080p in Camtasia.

1. Open up Camtasia Studio

2. Import your media into the Clip bin then drag your media into the timeline and a project setting dialog window should appear. Change the preset to custom and the width to 1980 and the height to 1080 and click ok.

3. Now edit your media footage in Camtasia as normal.

4. Once you are ready to produce the video. Go to the Produce panel and select the ‘Produce video as’ link. When you reach the Flash templates section, change the template to ‘No Controls’ and then hit the next button until you render the video.


Remove static noise from Camtasia studio

Thursday 7 January 2010

This tutorial will teach you how to remove static noise from Camtasia studio.

When you record a screen cast with voice narration, you will sometimes hear static noise in the background after you have finished with the recording. The noise can be especially annoying if want your recorded sound to be clear and crisp. However, there is a simple solution to removing the noise with Camtasia studio which I will share with you below.

1. Open up Camtasia Studio.

2. On the Edit Panel on the left of the screen, select the ‘Audio enhancement’ link as shown below.

3. The Audio Enhancement window should appear. Locate the section called ‘Background noise removal’. Now you can either let Camtasia automatically detect the static noise, or you can define an area on the timeline. I prefer to use the automatic option as this seems to be quite accurate at detecting the noise in the audio.

4. Click the ‘Remove Noise’ button and you will see the status of the noise removal in action. After the status has turned to a green colour, you can adjust the sensitivity settings using the slider control. You also have the option of restoring the noise by clicking on the checkbox.


Video - Add audio to the timline

Saturday 2 January 2010

This video will show you how to add audio to the timeline in Camtasia studio.

Below I will provide step by step written instructions:

1. Open up Camtasia studio.

2. Go to the ‘Add’ panel and click on the Import media link as show below.

3. An Open dialog window will appear. You select the audio file you want to add and click open.

4. In the Clip bin you should now see a new ‘audio’ section which holds your imported audio file. Now right click on your audio file, select Add to track > Audio 2.

Your imported audio file should now be on the timeline. If you have any questions feel free to leave any comments below.



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